The <span> tag is used to group inline-elements in a document;
The <span> tag provides no visual change by itself;
The <span> tag provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text, or a part of a document;
<!- - or a part of an individual, or a part of a history, or a part of a city, or a part of a territory, or a part of an identity, or a part of a surveillance, or part of senses - ->
Yuchen Sun
Designer & Educator
Welcome! Explore my projects—ranging from academic to business work, plus some brilliant creations from my students. As a designer and educator, I innovate for users, society, and the world. Design isn’t just visual; it's impactful, meaningful, and a lot of fun!

Light bulbs
Reusable plastic ice cubes
Packing foam
Three randoms objects that were picked on a guided path by Yuchen.
To create any artwork that involves using these three objects was the direction.
Ink, paper, plastic sheets, and acrylic board were added in production.
The first experiment required the action of breaking the light bulbs to get the wires. The wires were used as pens to dip in the ink, and to draw on the paper. The patterns were designed.

Instead of designing the pattern, the second experiment involved creating an acrylic model that hung plastic cubes filled with ink on the ceiling. The ink dripped freely onto the plastic sheets. The various outcomes depended on the amount of ink that dripped from the cubes, and how much ink was absorbed by the foam.